1. The Marek Edelman Dialogue Center in Łódź, the administrator of the service, available at www.lodzwielukultur.pl, undertakes to duly protect the data on visitors to the service.
  2. Personal data of service users will not be transferred or sold to companies or third parties.
  3. Data provided by users of the site will be used only for the purpose of communication or updating the data contained in the database that is an integral part of the site.
  4. The website administrator and the entities (Google Inc., Facebook Inc.) operating the website collect statistics on website visitors. Regardless of the personal data provided during communication, the owner of the website may use technologies that allow the collection of certain technical information, such as IP address, type of Internet browser and operating system used (see also point 5).
  5. In order to improve the functioning of the website, cookies are used. These files are information transmitted by the web browser and stored on the local hard drive of the website user. Cookies do not collect any personal data of the website user. The website saves cookies on the user’s computer, used to store information in them for functionality.
The purpose is to improve performance, create statistics which allows to improve their structure and content and facilitate browsing on the next visit to the site. The user himself decides which cookies and how they are stored, through the settings of his web browser, with the default settings of browsers allowing the storage of cookies.
  6. The Service uses two main types of cookies: “session cookies” and ‘permanent cookies’ (persistent cookies). “Session” cookies are temporary files that are stored on the User’s terminal device until the User logs out, leaves the website or shuts down the software (web browser). “Permanent” cookies are stored on the User’s end device for the time specified in the parameters of the cookies or until they are deleted by the User.
  7. The site administrator reserves the right to make changes to the privacy policy. Changes may occur at any time, and users may or may not be notified.
  8. This policy does not violate mandatory laws, in particular consumer protection and competition laws. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the policy and mandatory regulations, the provisions of the policy shall be replaced by these regulations, and the remainder of the policy shall remain in effect.

Changes in Cookies settings in the most popular browsers.

Google Chrome

Click on the menu (in the upper right corner), tab Settings > Show advanced settings. In the “Privacy” section, click the Content Settings button. In the “Cookies” section, you can change the following cookie settings:

Deleting cookies

Default cookie blocking

Allow cookies by default

Default retention of cookies and page data until browser closes

Specify exceptions for cookies from specific sites or domains

Internet Explorer 6.0 and 7.0

From the browser menu (upper right corner), select: Tools > Internet Options > Privacy, Sites button. Use the slider to set the level, confirm the change with the OK button.

Mozilla Firefox

From the browser menu, select: Tools > Options > Privacy. Activate the Firefox program field: “will use user settings”.

Cookies are decided by clicking – or not – on the Accept cookies item.


From the browser menu, select: Utility > Preferences > Advanced.

Cookies are decided by checking – or not – the Cookies item.


In the Safari drop-down menu, select Preferences and click the Security icon. Here you select the security level in the “Accept cookies” area.