budynek Collegium Anatomicum

Performance at the Collegium Anatomicum

The Łódź of Many Cultures Festival includes dozens of cultural events that will take place in various locations in Łódź, including those that are normally inaccessible. This year, our audience will be invited to the amazing, legendary building of the Collegium Anatomicum of the Medical University of Łódź, at st. Narutowicza 60. The building will host the premiere of “The clinic of broken heart” directed by Ukrainian artist Victoria Myronyuk. The festival’s performance is inspired by medical research, a.o. Takotsubo Syndrome, commonly known as ‘broken heart’, which is the result of severe stress associated with loss. The venue for the performance is special – the Collegium Anatomicum originally housed a charitable institution, reminiscent of contemporary social activism based on care and empathy.

Tickets are on sale now. Limited number of places!