Grafika informacyjna Centrum festiwalowego
  • 12th-13th October 2024
  • Saturday - Sunday / 10:00-18:00
  • The Marek Edelman Dialogue Center
  • st. Wojska Polskiego 83

Free entry

Festival Centre | second weekend of the Festival

For the duration of the Festival, the Marek Edelman Dialogue Centre in Łódź will be transformed into a space for meetings, discussions, creative activities, recreation and education. There will be movement and culinary workshops, film screenings and the Trade Fair of Many Cultures.

As part of the programme, there will be a series called ”Good Conversation Centre”, which will be filled with meetings with knowledgeable, creative people who will broaden the cultural contexts of the festival’s events, without avoiding difficult topics such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

As part of the Festival Centre, there will be numerous events including the Little Festival of Łodź of Many Cultures, an arts programme for children and their close adults, and Oxford-style debates led by young people.


12th October 2024 (Saturday), 10.00-18.00

– 10.00-18.00 The Trade Fair of Many Cultures / Free entry

– 10.00 and 12.00 The Little Festival of Łódź of Many Cultures: “Somatulki” interactive performance for families with children aged 4-7 / Tickets: 30 PLN

– 14.00 Good Conversation Centre: “Cultural Diversity. Is community possible?” open Oxford debate with young people / Free entry

– 16.30 Good Conversation Centre: “Identity Narratives” – a conversation between Taras Gembik (Foundation Towards Dialogue) and Krzysztof Gil / Free entry

13th October 2024 (Sunday), 10.00-18.00

– 10.00 Physical culture: Yoga – brain integration – movement workshop / led by: Anna Osmulska Holistycznie / Free entry / own exercise mats required

When we are healthy, both sides of the brain are active. Emotional processing and mood regulation depend on cooperation between the two hemispheres. Stress, whether short-term or chronic, causes neurotransmitter dysfunction. It is also believed that each physical illness has its own brain dominance. During this practice we will combine asanas with exercises that restore communication between the hemispheres and keep them in balance so that the physical body can function properly. Among other things, we will focus on small motor skills and eye exercises. The movements suggested will be simple, but not necessarily easy to perform. All in a friendly and fun atmosphere.

– 10.00-18.00 The Trade Fair of Many Cultures / Free entry

– 12.00 The Little Festival of Łódź of Many Cultures: Ptaszkowie Śpiewali – concert for families (3+)

– 14.00 Good Conversation Centre: „Krzysztof Wodiczko: EMANCYPACJE. Projection on the monument to Tadeusz Kościuszko at Freedom Square in Łódź” – meeting with Krzysztof Wodiczko / moderated by: Ryszard Kluszczyński

– 16.00 Good Conversation Centre: “Cinema of Many Cultures” – discussion on minorities in contemporary Polish cinema / moderated by Michalina Majewska (Kino po żydowsku)