India Day w Fuzji

INDIA DAY in Fuzja

INDIA DAY, a day of Indian culture, took place at Fuzja on Sunday 15 September. This was another of the events announcing the Łódź of Many Cultures Festival. There was music, dance, workshops, henna, a lecture, Indian food and, finally, a film screening!

Mr Satyasheel Lall – second secretary of the Indian Embassy in Poland – was the special guest.

Thank you all for coming and having a great time from start to finish. We would like to thank our Sponsors and Partners: the Embassy of India in Poland, Fuzja Echo Investments and TME Polówka, Curry King, Sneha’s Touch of India, Al-Mashrik Middle East Student-Doctoral Research Group from the Faculty of International and Political Studies at the University of Lodz, and above all the Indian community in Lodz for their help in organising this special event, which was a true celebration of multiculturalism.

Photo: HaWa