At the end of October, we closed the call for applications for the Łódź of Many Cultures Festival: Research and Artistic Residencies 2024/2025 – The Multiculturalism of Łódź: Expanding the Field. They are currently being verified. We will get back to the creative people qualified for the next stage in the near future. We plan to announce the results of OPEN CALLA by the end of the year.
The Łódź of Many Cultures Festival and The Marek Edelman Dialogue Center in Łódź invite you to participate in the Artistic Residencies 2024/2025 – Broadening the Field of View.
Established in 2002, the Dialogue of Four Cultures Festival (later – Łódź 4 Cultures Festival) based its program on the multicultural history of Łódź, with multiculturalism defined primarily by ethnicity, national and religious identity. Twenty-two years after the first edition of the event, we see the need to redefine it, while not cutting ourselves off from the roots that are embedded in the fabric of Lodz – a city with a unique history and, at the same time, a city embedded in a world that is undergoing increasingly rapid change. The changing world is followed by a change in the definition of the term “culture,” which is expanding its field. This translates into the co-creation of more and more new communities and the transformation of those that exist: human, non-human and interspecies growing out of diverse statuses, experiences and identities.
The history and memory of the city are the cornerstone of the festival, but today we want the present and the hope-filled vision of the future to resound powerfully as well. We need this especially now – shortly after the pandemic; at a time when wars are being waged across our eastern border and elsewhere in the world; when we are concerned about the ecological well-being of our planet and still need to demand basic rights for minorities.
To participate in the residency, we invite creative individuals who see in Lodz the potential for creating a narrative of multiculturalism, for which various artistic practices (e.g., performative, visual, musical, social, literary and interdisciplinary) can be the medium.
We are open to diverse proposals that may include the following themes and topics, with Łódź as the reference point:
– diversity;
– history-memory-present-future;
– prototyping/fantasizing the future;
– rights of human and non-human beings;
– safe space.
The residency consists of two stages of work:
– the research and concept stage, during which creative people will be able to refine their concept;
– the production stage.
The resident will be supported by the festival team at the curatorial, research, technical, and organizational levels.
For more information: m.ptasińska@centrumdialogu.com