Urszula Dudziak Ambassador of the Concert for Peace!

“WE” Grzech Piotrowski’s World Orchestra is a series of concerts dedicated to world peace. The voice of artists from different parts of the world will inaugurate this year’s Łódź of Many Cultures Festival.

“Grzech Piotrowski has created an extraordinary musical project that will have global appeal and reach and will be musical therapy for us all. I am proud and happy to be an ambassador of this gigantic and much-needed endeavour – the ‘WE’ concert performed by the World Orchestra.” (Urszula Dudziak)

Urszula Dudziak – a wonderful, unconventional personality whose artistic path shows that passion and collaboration with others is the key that opens many doors. The ambassador of the project will also be one of the main soloists at the premiere concert, which will take place as part of the ‘Łódź of Many Cultures Festival’ on 4th of October at Klub Wytwórnia. The next performance of this work will take place on 17 December 2024 in Wrocław at the National Music Forum and on 18th of December 2024 at the Adam Mickiewicz University Auditorium in Poznań. On stage we will see musicians representing many cultures, including from regions affected by conflict and warfare. This will be a unique meeting that will build bridges between people and cultures!