Obraz Stojki
  • 11th October 2024
  • Friday / 10:00
  • Museum of the City of Łódź
  • st. Ogrodowa 15

MMŁ tickets:

  • 5 PLN
Enrollment: edukacja@centrumdialogu.com

Antiziganism in Europe – new words, old mechanisms, contemporary struggle for memory | youth workshop

Moderated by: Małgorzata Kołaczek (Foundation Towards Dialogue).

Contrary to popular stereotypes, Roma and Romani people do not form a single, closed community. Very often, however, this ambiguity and the plurality of Roma identities are not addressed in the public sphere and in important areas of social life that should address the issue, such as education. Moreover, there is little talk about the history and present of Roma in Europe and the dramatic consequences of antiziganism and exclusion of members and affiliates of this largest ethnic minority in our part of the world. Together with the participants, we will reflect on the mechanisms of stereotyping of Roma, prejudice-motivated discriminatory actions against this group and their historical and contemporary manifestations. And we will try to answer the question whether antiziganism is the last acceptable racism in Europe.


Małgorzata Kołaczek – PhD in Political Science, adjunct professor at the Institute of Intercultural Studies, Jagiellonian University and Deputy Director for Teaching (2019-2022). Vice President of the Foundation Towards Dialogue. Co-founder of the Poland-Roma-Ukraine group, which supports Roma communities of Ukrainian origin as part of the foundation’s activities. Co-founder of the Centrum Społeczności Romskiej in Warsaw. Review editor of the Romani Studies journal of the Gypsy Lore Society. Graduate of Public Relations studies at the WSE in Kraków and the Academy of Professional Coaching at the Warsaw School of Economics. Academically and didactically she is interested in ethnic issues, especially the Roma community and their situation in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as issues of migration, image creation and minority presence in the media in Poland and abroad. Author of books, scholarship holder of scientific and didactic programmes, educator, anti-discrimination trainer. Coordinator of educational and research projects, creator of educational programmes and tools.

Co-organisers: Foundation Towards Dialogue, Museum of the City of Łódź.

Accompanying programme at the exhibition Ceija Stojka (1933-2013): “I Can’t Forget”.