młodzieżowa debata oksfordzka
  • 07th October 2024
  • Monday / 10:00-12:00
  • The Marek Edelman Dialogue Center in Łódź
  • st. Wojska Polskiego 83

Free entry

Registration: edukacja@centrumdialogu.com

Good Conversation Centre: Near and far conflicts. Is peace possible? | School Oxford Debate

The idea of the Oxford debates is based on a factual, structured discussion (between two teams), but also on an – almost sporting – competition. The aim of the “duel” is to prove or disprove a particular thesis.

Near and far conflicts. Is peace possible ? A debate that will take up a thesis on one of the warfare causing global unrest. The aim is to reflect on whether peaceful coexistence is possible in communities affected by conflict and violence.

The very nature of the debates has an educational purpose. Importantly – as the young people say – we value good, substantive conversation. We avoid populism. We want to show how issues of contemporary relevance can be discussed.

Monika Bobako is among the invited guests who will be the expert voice accompanying the young people. The jury will include Anna Jurek, Natan Chwalewski and Michał Adamiak.

The event is co-organised by the Stowarzyszenie Dialogu Młodzieży and teenagers from schools in Łódź.


Monika Bobako – philosopher, professor at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, graduate of Adam Mickiewicz University and Central European University in Budapest. Author of “Islamophobia as a technology of power. A study in political anthropology” (Universitas, 2017) and Democracy and Difference. Multiculturalism and Feminism in the Perspective of the Politics of Recognition” (Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, 2010), and editor of the volumes “Emancipatory Theologies” (“Theoretical Practice” 2013) and “Islamophobia. Women” (“Theoretical Practice” 2017). She is interested in issues of race and racism, including Islamophobia and anti-Semitism, and problems of the post-colonial world, especially Muslim societies. She also works on feminist issues, particularly in the context of political theory and philosophy of religion.