- 6th October 2024
- Sunday / 12:00
- The Marek Edelman Dialogue Center
- st. Wojska Polskiego 83
- 30 PLN
PEEL SOUP | art installation with culinary workshop
Prowadzenie: Michalina Kostecka (Plantera)
How not to waste food? How to use the carrot tops? What to do with cauliflower leaves and a broccoli stalk? In a workshop led by Michalina Kostecka, a visual artist involved in food art, we will discover many kitchen secrets. We will learn different ways to throw away as little food as possible when handling it.
The work will take place in small groups. We will come up with vegetarian dishes, which we will then prepare so that at the end we can sit at a table and eat together.
Michalina Kostecka – visual artist, florist, currently head of the company ‘Plantera’. One of her missions is to combine all her life experiences into a culinary adventure. She deals with the issue of food art and the creation of socio-culinary situations, and runs culinary workshops.
An accompanying event to the performance “Island of Eatopia”, which will take place on 9th October 2024 at the Kazimierz Dejmek New Theatre in Łódź