- Vernissage
- 06th October 2024
- Sunday / 14:00-20:00
- Wschodnia Gallery
- st. Wschodnia 29/3
- Public space:
- Wschodnia/Włókiennicza
Free entry
Stop Wschodnia. Artifacts of a makeshift community | exhibition
An interdisciplinary event dedicated to a place that has represented the activity of the Łódź artist community for decades, building international bridges for artists.
In addition to the gallery space, the planned activities will take place in the public space of Wschodnia Street, which has undergone a social and comprehensive revitalisation in recent years.
The Wschodnia Gallery, which has been in existence for 40 years, is a cultural witness to the successive changes and rotations of the inhabitants of this part of Łódź – for years the forgotten sister of Piotrkowska. Devastated and degraded in recent decades, it is still associated with poverty, forms of social exclusion and addiction. The current comprehensive revitalisation offers a partial chance for change – for both its old and new inhabitants. They offer the hope of not only improving their standard of living, but also of creating new, attractive places for commerce and services.
Its post-war and contemporary period was, and still is, important for Łódź and Polish culture, thanks to the autochthons and newcomers. In cooperation with the Marek Edelman Centre for Dialogue, the University of Łodz and the Łodz art community, we want to record and present the memories, interviews, photographs, documents and objects of the inhabitants. Old residents from different traditions, as well as new residents from different parts of the world, form another fascinating community in the ongoing process of transformation of the Wschodnia.
- Exhibition open until 13th October 2024
- after the previous registration
- Contact: Adam Klimczak
- tel. +48 793 434 420
- mail: klimczak.adam@gmail.com
The following photographs are from the exhibitions: “Nic dobrego z tego nie będzie” by Zbigniew Libera, “Wspólnota od kuchni” and the performance “Groundwork – pokaz roboczy” by Zygmunt Piotrowski (PioTroski, Poland).