- 5th October 2024
- Saturday / 12:00
- Survivors' Park (the clearing behind the mound)
- st. Wojska Polskiego 83
Free entry
TO-TEM TO-TU | opening of an art and education installation for children
If you have the nature of an explorer and you come across something interesting – you stop. You want to know more about it. You LOOK at it from all sides. From near and far. You start to EXPLORE it – measuring, weighing, making notes. You listen, smell and TASTE. You observe what CHANGES happen there over time. You try to name it, to DEFINE it. So that, in the end, you gather all this information and PUT it together.
Around the wild field of “400 m2 of hope”, five installations will be created as part of the Little Festival of Łódź of Many Cultures, allowing children and adults close to them to follow a path of exploration. The creators of the installations will encourage people to look, touch, twist and look for colours between the trees.
The creators of the installation are Anna Komorowska – landscape architect, educator, mother of Franek and Antek, together with Michał Rokita run the pracownia k. Together they design non-playgrounds – playgrounds that are more than just a flat space with randomly placed equipment. They also run the publishing house Nieśpiesznie, which has published several books on architecture, creative activities and playgrounds. For more information visit Non-playgrounds.
The opening of the TO-TEM TO-TU installation will be accompanied by a field game and a family dendrological walk with the Społeczni Opiekunowie Drzew (co-authors of Mapa Drzew Łodzi): Małgorzata Godlewska, Justyna Makulec and Szymon Iwanowski. There will be games and activities for the youngest children to encourage them to observe what surrounds us, both above our heads and under our feet.
Społeczni Opiekunowie Drzew brings together residents who care about well-maintained tall green spaces in Łódź. Read more about this initiative on Mapa drzew w Łodzi and the profile of Społeczni Opiekunowie Drzew.
The TO-TEM TO-TU installation accompanies the “400 m2 of hope” project directed by Michał Zadara.