- 08th October 2024
- Tuesday / 17:00
- Szkoła Podstawowa z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi nr 111 in Łódź
- Jaracza 44/46
- 30 PLN
Trolle (6+) | Teatr 21
Theater performance for kids ages 6-8 and their guardians
There are many legends and stories about trolls that adults tell children. In many of them, trolls are depicted as wild creatures, somewhat human and somewhat animal-like. Trolls live in hiding, stick to their groups, and rarely show themselves. Few people speak well of them, but many fear them despite never having met one. Trolls, too, have heard unbelievable stories about humans and have preferred to stay out of sight for many years. It’s time to end this! It’s time to finally meet!
What will happen when trolls come out of hiding and enter places where no one expects them? How will children react to them?
How can we coexist without running away in fear?
- Cast: Grzegorz Brandt, Anna Drózd, Katarzyna Dudek, Anna Łuczak, Michał Pęszyński, Cecylia Sobolewska, Marta Stańczyk, Piotr Swend
- Director: Justyna Sobczyk
- Stage design and costumes: Wisłomira Nicieja
- Music: Sebastian Świąder
- Movement: Agnieszka Kryst
- Production: Paulina Uryszek
- Coordination: Wiktoria Siedlecka-Dorosz
About the theatre
Teatr 21 is a theater group whose actors are primarily individuals with Down syndrome and autism. Over its 18 years of activity, it has created numerous performances presented in theaters and institutions across Poland. The group has performed at national festivals (Wrocław, Poznań, Gdańsk, Kraków) and international ones (Prague, Berlin, Helsinki, Freiburg). In 2019, the play “Rewolucja, której nie było” won an award at the International Theatre Festival „Divine Comedy” in Kraków. Besides artistic activities, Teatr 21 is involved in education, theater pedagogy, publishing, organizing conferences and lectures, and working in international networks. In 2021, Teatr 21 received the Polityka’s Passport award in the “Theater” category.
Currently, Teatr 21 is creating the Inclusive Arts Center (Centrum sztuki Włączającej) project, the first social cultural institution in Warsaw entirely dedicated to the work of artists with disabilities. It’s main aim is to include diverse social groups in the fields of art, culture, and science. It hosts meetings with artists, workshops for families and seniors, lectures on disability studies and art by people with disabilities, visual art exhibitions, and many more. The space and all events are adapted to the needs of people with various disabilities. Centrum Sztuki Włączającej is the permanent home of Teatr 21.