Grafika informacyjna Centrum Festiwalowego
  • 05th-06th October 2024
  • Saturday 6:30-18:00
  • Sunday 10:00-18:00
  • The Marek Edelman Dialogue Center
  • st. Wojska Polskiego 83

Free entry

Festival Centre | first weekend of the Festival

For the duration of the Festival, the Marek Edelman Dialogue Centre in Łódź will be transformed into a space for meetings, discussions, creative activities, recreation and education. There will be movement and culinary workshops, film screenings and the Trade Fair of Many Cultures.

As part of the programme, there will be a series called ”Good Conversation Centre”, which will be filled with meetings with knowledgeable, creative people who will broaden the cultural contexts of the festival’s events, without avoiding difficult topics such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

As part of the Festival Centre, there will be numerous events including the Little Festival of Łodź of Many Cultures, an arts programme for children and their close adults, and Oxford-style debates led by young people.


5th October 2024 (Saturday), 6.30-18.00

– 6.30 “400 m2 of hope” / SOUNDSCAPE – concert at dawn by SMOLIK with his band + edible installation by Plantera / Survivors’ Park (behind the mound) / Free entry

– 10.00 Physical culture: Tao Yin – movement workshop / led by: Anna Osmulska Holistycznie / Free entry

Tao Yin – the way in, a practice of movement and breathing that originated in China over 3,000 years ago. It is believed to be the basis for the martial arts Tai Chi and Kung Fu, which evolved from it. It consists of gymnastics and breathing exercises and is suitable for people of all ages. After a short warm-up, we move on to smooth, gentle movements combined with breathing that calm the mind and harmonise the whole body. The essence of these exercises is to collect, replenish and improve the flow of qi energy in the body. Among the many benefits of practising Tao Yin are strengthening the immune system, increasing vitality and restoring inner peace.

– 10.00-18.00 The Trade Fair of Many Cultures / Free entry

– 12.00-14.00 The Little Festival of Łódź of Many Cultures: “TO-TEM TO-MU” – opening of an artistic and educational installation (6+) accompanying the “400 m2 of hope” project as well as a game and a family dendrological walk “What do trees rustle about?” with the Społeczni Opiekunowie Drzew/ Survivors’ Park (behind the mound) / Free entry

– 14.00 Good Conversation Centre: “Saint Judas? Traitor and martyr” meeting on “Passion” by Daniel Rycharski/ Free entry

– 17.00 “400 m2 of hope” – a lecture with theatrical elements by Michał Zadara and SOUNDSCAPE – concert at dusk by SMOLIK with his band / event translated into Polish Sign Language / Survivors’ Park (behind the mound) / Free entry

6th October 2024 (Sunday), 10.00-18.00

– 10.00 Physical culture: Vinyasa yoga – movement workshop / led by: Anna Osmulska Holistycznie / Free entry / own exercise mats required

Yoga is a practice that originated in India and has become very popular all over the world. During this class we will do strengthening and stretching exercises with soft, pleasant music in the background. It is a dynamic form of yoga, combining fluid movements with breathing, and the intensity is always adapted to suit the participants. Both beginners and experienced yoga practitioners are welcome. During these classes you will not only make your body flexible and physically fit, but also learn mindfulness and build a relationship with yourself. The class ends with a short relaxation session. A good mood for the whole day is guaranteed!

– 10.00-18.00 The Trade Fair of Many Cultures / Free entry

– 12.00 The Little Festival of Łódź of Many Cultures: Peel soup art installation with a zero waste cooking workshop for children (6+) and their close adults / led by: Michalina Kostecka (Plantera) / Tickets: 30 PLN

– 12.00 Good Conversation Centre: “Art as testimony – Ceija Stojka, the Roma history and the memory of the survivors” – lecture and walk to the Kuźnia Romska – Dr Joanna Talewicz (Foundation Towards Dialogue) and Museum of Independence Traditions / event translated into Polish Sign Language / Free entry

– 14.00 Good Conversation Centre: “Translating Non-Human Languages” – literary meeting with Eva Meijer / moderated by: Anna Jurek / event in English translated into Polish / Free entry

– 16.00 Harun Farocki. Eye/thought/machine | Day 2 at the Marek Edelman Dialogue Center / meeting and film review / Free entry