• 9th October 2024
  • Wednesday / 18:00
  • Kazimierz Dejmek New Theatre in Łódź
  • st. Więckowskiego 15


  • Stalls
  • 40 PLN – regular
  • 30 PLN – reduced*
  • Balcony
  • 35 PLN - regular
  • 25 PLN – reduced*
* Reduced tickets (on presentation of valid ID) are available to: students up to the age of 26, pensioners, employees of educational and cultural institutions, members of creative associations and people with disabilities.
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Island of Eatopia (10+) | The S. Witkiewicz Studio Theatre in Warsaw

Performance for ages 10+

The best children’s performance of 2023! “Bulwa nać!” Simply put, Jadłonomia Island is a recipe for a better life. Full of humor, suspense, plot twists, and bitter laughter, the show invites you to a world where children and teenagers are spoken to seriously, without pretending the world is better than it actually is. For children aged 11 to 99. Warning! The performance contains blatant promotion of veganism.

The protagonist of the adventure-thriller story, drawing from the tradition of Japanese anime, is a girl called M. who faces a dangerous monster, the blackness that threatens the entire world, especially the adults. When the monster appears in the heroine’s life, everything changes. The stake here is the life and health of her nearest and dearest. Will the girl find the secret recipe for healing the world? Whom will she meet on the Island, where she is taken by a mysterious force? And will she manage to return home? How will the encounter with Witch Jadłonomia, a force that knows everything, end? Will the girl want to become the hero of the green revolution idea? And if so, will other people help her heal the world, bring about change with a spoon, fork, shopping list, and a redefinition of life philosophy? There are moments when the danger threatening loved ones forces us to rethink reality. In the avant-garde of the green revolution, the creators of the performance see children and young people who are just growing up to the responsibility their parents have evaded.

„Island of Eatopia” is a play about changing the way we think. But since thinking itself is not enough, it is also about the need to act. Full of humour and danger, plot twists and bitter laughter, the production invites the audience to a world in which children and youth is being talk to seriously, without pretending that the world is better than it actually is. A comic book-like story about the little revolutionary encourages children and adults to reflect together on what we can do in order to live healthier, more responsibly, and with a better future of the planet, its people, and non-human beings in mind. A play about responsible eating challenges the audience to a shared task of caring for the world which requires healing and an urgent intervention – ecological, ethical, as well as culinary.

“Island of Eatopia” is yet another production prepared by Maciej Podstawny and Dorota Kowalkowska for the purpose of strengthening agency in children and youth, and the need for intergenerational education through theatre. Previous plays made by this team, “Greta and the last whale” or “The Snow Queen” gained recognition of the audiences and numerous awards for art addressed to the youth. This time, the creative duo invited playwright Jan Czapliński to collaborate on the script. The inspiration for the work includes of course and primarily Marta Dymek’s series of “Jadłonomia” books, as well as “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”, and “Spirited Away” by Hayao Miyazak.

Performance inspired by the „Jadłonomia” book series by Marta Dymek.

fot. Sisi Cecylia / STUDIO teatrgaleria



  • DIRECTION: Maciej Podstawny
  • CONCEPT: Dorota Kowalkowska, Maciej Podstawny, Jan Czapliński
  • SCRIPT: Jan Czapliński
  • SCRIPT COLLABORATION: Dorota Kowalkowska, Maciej Podstawny
  • SET DESIGN, COSTUMES: Kaja Migdałek
  • MUSIC: Jerzy Rogiewicz
  • PRODUCTION MANAGER: Justyna Pankiewicz
  • STAGE MANAGER: Maria Lejman-Kasz
  • VIDEO: Przemysław Tokarski
  • PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: Zuzanna Magda Melnyk
  • CAST: Daniel Dobosz, Tomasz Nosinski, Maja Pankiewicz, Marcin Pempuś, Ewelina Żak

Duration: 100 min without break
Premiere: 18.11.2022

Accompanying events:

Peel soup | art installation with creative cooking workshop